
Retiros de Ayahuasca en la selva peruana


Retiros de Ayahuasca en la selva peruana

Ampikuk, Ayahuasca retreats in the peruvian jungle



Center Ampikuk is situated in the outskirts of the town of Lamas, in the Peruvian department of San Martin. It is a space designed to receive persons seeking healing, a space to support the healing process and the reconnection with one’s inner wisdom. This practice of healing is based on the ‘vegetalista’ tradition of mestizo healing. Vegetalismo is itself founded in the millenarian Indigenous knowledge of a great variety of medicinal plants. The vegetalista at Ampikuk received his knowledge, wisdom, and special abilities directly from plants and a variety of spirits and deities from different religious traditions.


Ampikuk Center is under the direction and supervision of a vegetalisto who was initiated  (against his will) by a series of discarnate entities. He is ably assisted by experienced collaborators.[1] 


[1] For those interested in more details on that topic, see F. Apffel-Marglin and Randy Chung Gonzales’ book: Initiated by the Spirits;  Housatonic, Massachusetts; Green Fire Press :2022.




Before partaking of the ayahuasca brew it is necessary to have an interview with the master vegetalista. He is the one who can evaluate whether the participant is able or not to participate in this ceremony. The participant must be honest with the master in speaking of his or her emotional and health state as well as of his or her intention or motivations to participate in the ayahuasca ceremony. If it is decided that the participant should participate in the ceremony, it is extremely important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the master before, during, and after the ceremony. A few days before the ceremony one must ingest a purgative plant to clean and prepare the body for the ceremony. The efficacy of the healing process depends in part on the faithful completion of all restrictions, food, and corporal restrictions both before and after the ayahuasca ceremonies on the part of the participant.


The Spanish word ‘dieta’ does not correspond exactly to the English word ‘diet’. It refers to all the practices during the duration of a dieta (lasting at least 8 days). Following the Amazonian Indigenous medicinal tradition, the ‘dieta’ consists in isolating oneself during at least 8 days in a small ‘tambo’ or indigenous style cabin in nature without using external stimulations such as cell phones, laptops or radios, following a strict food diet and also certain corporal abstinences. One also ingests master plants during this isolation in a ritualized manner. The master plant taken during a dieta is chosen by the vegetalista master or his helpers. One also may take certain purging plants and/or plant baths to acquire protection and purify oneself, along with tobacco smoke smudgings with the ritual ‘mapacho’ (ritual cigarette) accompanied with ‘ikaros’ or healing songs. All such activities are undertaken ritually. Additionally, whenever necessary, the participant will engage in dialogues with the healing master or one of his helpers about his or her dreams or other experiences he or she may be having. The team at Center Ampikuk will constantly supervise each participant during the dieta.

The healing process along with the actions of the master vegetalista might give rise in participants to intense experiences accompanied by strong emotional and physical liberations both during ayahuasca ceremonies and during the dieta itself. Due to this, it is not recommended that persons with certain serious health issues such as cardiovascular problems (high blood pressure, past heart attacks or other heart issues), glaucoma, recent operations, acute infectious disease, epilepsy, stroke, serious illness involving: liver, kidneys, pancreas, serious respiratory deficiency as well as certain psychic issues such as: psychotic condition, personality disorder or bipolar condition.


Certain pharmaceutical drugs are strongly contraindicated such as antidepressants, drugs affecting one’s metabolism or one’s state of consciousness. It is strongly recommended to consult one’s own doctor to verify if suspending such drugs during weeks before as well as during and after the dieta is advised or not. Additionally, this healing process is not allowed for pregnant or lactating women or during women’s menses.



Jr. 16 de Octubre 114, Lamas, San Martín – Perú


+51 973 952 111